Right now, there is no way to treat the dry form of AMD. However people with lots of drusen or serious vision loss might benefit from taking a certain combination of nutritional supplements. A large study found those people may slow their dry AMD by taking these vitamins and minerals daily:

  • Vitamin C (500 mg)
  • Vitamin E (400 IU)
  • Lutein (10 mg)
  • Zeaxanthin (2 mg)
  • Zinc (80 mg)
  • Copper (2 mg)

Your ophthalmologist can tell you if vitamins and minerals are recommended for your dry AMD.


To help treat wet AMD, there are medications called anti-VEGF. Anti-VEGF treatment helps reduce the number of abnormal blood vessels in your retina. It also slows any leakage occuring from blood vessels. This medicine is delivered to your eye through a very slender needle with an in-office procedure.

Laser surgery may also be used to treat some types of wet AMD. Your ophthalmologist shines a laser light beam on the abnormal blood vessels. This reduces the number of vessels and slows their leaking.

Talk with your ophthalmologist about ways to treat your AMD.

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