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- Apply ice packs immediately after the procedure (5-10 minutes every waking hour)
- Refrain from applying make-up for minimum 24 hours
- Sleep face up, in an elevated position on pillow for about 3-5 nights
- Wash face gently without rubbing or massaging for 5-7 days
- Avoid excessive face and neck movements for about 2 weeks
- Avoid face and neck massages for 1 month
- Avoid over-exposure to direct sunlight for 2 weeks
- Avoid sports and exercise for 2 weeks
- Do not use saunas for about 3 weeks
- Avoid dental surgery for 3 weeks
- Control check-up: 2 weeks, 1, 3, 6, 12 months after the procedure
- Photos: 2 weeks, 3, 6 and 12 months after the procedure
- Recommended Medicines after procedure:
- For swelling, apply Traumeel gel, Troxevasin gel and other creams for swelling, several times a day for 1-2 weeks
- Use antiseptics (chlorhexidine) for the areas of intervention
- For pain, use analgesics, such as diclofenac or ibuprofen
- Take antihistamines, such as Texa or Allerway
- For the prophylaxis of infection, the doctor might recommend wide spectrum antibiotics for 5 days
- If necessary, it is recommended to wear an elastic bandage for about 2 weeks
- For accelerated rehabilitation microcurrent stimulation is recommended. It is recommended to start microcurrent stimulation on the second day after the thread lift.
- If you experience any side effects not listed below, including high fever, increasing pain, redness and swelling at the area of intervention or other unpleasant and unnatural sensations, please contact your doctor
- Side effects are temporary and include:
- Pain and swelling
- Temporary asymmetry, transient rippling or dimple formation
- Transient hematoma or bruising
- Slight depression or skin irregularities